What happens when I distill a mead?

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Well, when you distill mead, it doesn't have a formal name, but basically, its mead white lightning. I've a friend that has been bugging me for a while to distill a batch. I've done it in small amounts (an ounce or two in a tabletop distiller), and it gives you a mead-flavored high-octane drink. If you plan to distill, plan on using a *good* mead, because whatever you start with has a *huge* bearing on what you end up with. There is a book, The Alaskan Bootlegger's Bible - How to make beer, wine, mead, liqueurs and moonshine whiskey. The author dusts off over 30 years of experience to tell you how it's done. He not only tells how to make darned near any kind of beer, wine, liqueur and whiskey you can imagine, he also tells you how to make the equipment to do it with. He talks about how to do it.