Hi All,
I think I'll be reviving this thread the third time. I was very amused to see this discussion as I'm very interested in milk mead myself. A couple of years ago I received a recipe from a fried who was working with archives. This recipe dates back to 1790 and was found in Minsk archives (current Belorussia, Lithuania in 1790). And it is oldest full recipe in these parts, that I know of. It is called "white mead" and is made with milk. So basically I'm sure that such mead can be done and its history might be older than XVIII c. for sure. I've done mead following this recipe and got awsome results! I would bother you with original recipe as the weights and measures there were in "stones" and "buckets", but it goes like this:
1 part honey
5 parts water
Boil it, skim off the foam. Take it from fire, add cold water and then milk. (the water is still warm!) Cool it and add yeast.
So I followed this recipe and at first I got total mess. There were viscuous flakes floting in the wort, taste was awful and I was about pouring everything down the drain. Now I'm glad that I didn't. During fermentation, the flaky parts settled down, I was able to pour the mead from them. After fermentation, it was still unpleasant and untasty thing... Still I kept faith in the old recipe and put it of for a time. And after year's time I got one of the best drinks ever. It wasn't mead, it wasn't sweet, it wasn't smelling of honey, but it had some character of mead and milk added some nutty flavours to the drink. So all in all - you can mix milk and honey! (what ever your past experiencies are)
. What you should be careful about are the sediments during fermentation and maturation. They must be filtered as they add all the bad tastes to the drink.
On another note, I'm just fermenting a heather mead I made a month ago. Heather is traditionally added in beer brewing in our parts, so I've tried it as well. The result was good - I've made rather sweet (OG 1120) wort and though I don't know the result now, I expect the best.
So feel free to try any of the suggestion in this topic, I think that they are all valid