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JOAM final sg 0.994

Barrel Char Wood Products


Registered Member
Jun 11, 2012
Im not sure what im doing right/wrong but every time i make a joam it finishes out hella dry. Just opened up a carboy from november, still has 2 slices of orange left to drop, and its so hot. Any suggestions on how can i repair this? Im thinking it will need to be sorbated, and backsweetend. whats a good sg for a finished joam?


Registered Member
Sep 9, 2015
Inland Empire
@shard - Tell us everything you did. Start with ingredients (specific type and quantity), process start to finish, and your observations along the way (temp, gravity, activity, smells, pH, etc.). Leave nothing out, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Otherwise we're all just guessing. The more you can tell us, the more we can help.
Barrel Char Wood Products

Viking Brew Vessels - Authentic Drinking Horns