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Its the chemicals, isn't it?

Barrel Char Wood Products


Registered Member
Oct 24, 2004
Well, today was the day I decided to bottle 2 of the meads I made back in... october or november. I can't remember. The cyser turned out well (I didn't use any nutrients) but the plain mead tastes like a rubber hose and shoe leather. With a nice strong honey and floral touch.
I followed the instructions on the package of yeast nutrients for a gallon,
a tsp or tbsp I think of nutrient per gallon. Reading the forums here later I found out that that was far too much for mead and well...
That's what I'm tasting, isn't it?
Yeck. I wonder who I can offload this crap onto.


Got Mead Partner
Dec 26, 2004
The OC

Generally 2 teaspoons per five gallon batch is plenty if you're making a single dose before pitching the yeast.

Otherwise you can go 2 teaspoons DAP when you make the must prior to pitching, and 1 gram per gallon of Fermaid K at 1/3 sugar depletion. I haven't been able to detect any imparted tastes from either method.

In your case, even 1 teaspoon per gallon shouldn't be readily detectable unless you know what you're looking for. However if it was 1 tablespoon thats a horse of a different color!

Which yeast did you use anyhow? If it's Montrachet, Pasteur Red or Champagne by Red Star, give it at least a year before you taste again. I think you'll be surprised at the change.




The Compleat Sybarite
Lifetime GotMead Patron
Jan 5, 2005
Troy, MI
Without tasting it, I can't be conclusive about the root of the problem. But you could taste your nutrient and see if it is a match with your "off" notes. I wouldn't describe what many call "nutrient bite" as either rubber or shoe leather. More of a metallic and sharp "clank" on the end of the finish.

Don't write it off yet. Eight months isn't a very long time for a mead. Also, fruits can hide many faults or youthful flavors and aromatics that may be glaring in a traditional.

What yeast and what honey did you use? That info could provide some more insight into what you are tasting. Also, did you go to dryness? That will make any yeast character more prominent, as the honey sweetness component will not be providing balance to the alcohol and other fermentation by-products.

Barrel Char Wood Products

Viking Brew Vessels - Authentic Drinking Horns