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Site too slow, moderated posts, and news

Barrel Char Wood Products


GotMead Owner
Staff member
Apr 5, 1996
North Carolina
Hi gang,

Sorry, life is crazy, and work hasn't been allowing me as much Gotmead time as I'd like.

I know the site is running slow. The host we live on got bought by another, bigger host, and about that same time, when they moved us to a new server, things slowed down. I don't know why yet, finding out in a site as ridiculously complicated as Gotmead has gotten over the years is difficult, but I'm trying to figure it out.

It's possible I'll move the site to a new host, but first I'm trying to fine-tune the site to speed it up. Moving is a huge endeavor, and seems to end up being a few days every time, tweaking up the issues that crop up.

Moderated posts: People have been finding their posts moderated. I want to say, it's not you! Vbulletin, the forum software, has been auto-moderating random stuff. I think I have it turned off now, so just ping me via PM or gotmead@gotmead.com if you don't see a post you made show up. I have no idea why they make this so silly, there are half a dozen various settings that play into this, and apparently, a secret setting layout that no one seems to be able to agree on. I've been futzing with it for months.

Anyway, it shouldn't do that to you any more.
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