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Cooperative advertising

Barrel Char Wood Products


I've heard it suggested that meaderies band together to promote mead as a product rather than individually.

While I believe that would be beneficial to all who want to see more mead available, something about it was tickling around my memory about that very issue.

I went back to my research and found what I was afraid that I had remembered correctly.

Michigan Liquor Control Code on Cooperative Advertising:
Rule 436.1319 prohibits cooperative advertising between alcoholic beverage suppliers, wholesalers, and retailers. Cooperative advertising is defined as a joint effort between licensees or vendors of spirits to advettise alcoholic liquor. This rule prohibits suppliers and wholesalers from placing ads on behalf of retailers and also prohibits any sharing of advertising costs between suppliers, wholesalers, and retailers.

There is also an "Aid and Assistance" prohibition in the code which prohibits the giving of anygthing of value to another licensee.

Under these laws, it would seem like cooperative product campaigns are just not possible. One thing also to consider is the linking of web pages. If the state construed that as advertising, then the licensee could be in some serious trouble.

This forum may be our best hope of a legitimate promotion effort as it is not directly influenced by any licensee.

I don't know the code of other states, but I am stepping lightly around Michigan State law until I can get some codified clarification on internet advertising and web promotion.

Any other thoughts or experiences along these lines?


Got Mead Partner
Dec 26, 2004
The OC
I'll have to check California code on that one because I am unaware of such a law here.

In California we have microbrew festivals and such, so whatever law may be in effect does not seem that it would be as draconian as the one in Michigan.

I would guess that reciprocal links on websites would be beyond that law, unless the site was physically hosted in Michigan.



Registered Member
May 19, 2004
Land of the free indeed...

I have alot of background in Web Design and Web Marketing if I'm ever needed.
Barrel Char Wood Products

Viking Brew Vessels - Authentic Drinking Horns