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Makin' me thirsty!!!

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Registered Member
Jan 9, 2004
Ok, so I am fairly new to this group and have been catching up on some of the old forums. Some people have talked about different types of Commercial Mead they have bought. Whenever I look for Mead, I am lucky if I can find Chaucer's. Anybody have any good ideas of where I can find more selections to try while I wait for mine?! I live in Durham, NC, if that helps!


Worker Bee
Registered Member
Dec 5, 2003
There are tons of places to buy mead online. But many of them cannot ship to consumers. At least, consumers in certain states. Florida law prohibits alcohol from being shipped other than through the taxed distribution lines. I am not sure of where you are but you might run into that problem. No real need to research it... if you are in a bad state the meadery won't ship to you -- or they might and no one will know. But if you aren't the best you can do is try and get a distributer to order some for you -- not sure if this would work but worth a shot.

Or find someone who lives in a state that does sell it, or that it can be shipped to, ship it to you. Obviously this isn't going to be legal. But when it comes to the law I stopped worrying about them when the number I routinely break surpassed the fingers I have. As long as you keep it out of the public eye you should be safe. Of all the laws I would break or do break I think this one is probably the most justifiable -- since minors purchasing alcohol could happen, UPS drivers can check for IDs but how well could they be regulated? Yes, there are ways around this justification but it makes more sense than some laws... like the law forbidding my poker games when the pot exceeds $10. When you bet quarters and have 6 people the pot will be at $10 well before the end of a hand!

Well, rant mode off. Try some health food stores... oddly enough I found a natural food store near me that carries three different types of mead. I haven't bought any but I will soon.


Registered Member
Jan 9, 2004
Thanks all!
I have ordered some from Rabbitsfoot... My state is one of the restricted ones, but Rabbits tells me that they have put in the paperwork to be able to ship here.
Rant warning: In California, I was able to buy hard liquor in any grocery or drug store. Here, you have to go to a state owned ABC store. You can't buy ANY liquor before noon on sunday, which happens to be when I go grocery shopping (cause the stores are empty!). Does anyone really think that buying beer before noon on Sunday means your going to consume it all that morning?! Why are these blue laws still in existence!? Doesn't the state have better things to spend their money on than a stand alone liquor store?!?

Ok! I'm done!


Registered Member
Jan 25, 2004
Heh heh...Those "stand alone liquor stores" make a heck of a lot of money for the state.

We have the same type of thing here in Idaho...when you buy something from any "liquor store" here...the check is made out to the State of Idaho. They are all state run.

I can, however, have mead delivered to my door here with no problems.
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